Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to my little girl....

Today my daughter is....older than she was yesterday! Because she's living in the U.S. and can't celebrate with her brother and me, we gathered together some of her childhood friends. The little fellow in the blue pyjamas is Edward, named after a friend's son who was born about the time she received the doll as a present. Edward was/is much loved; his left eye doesn't close anymore, and his body bears marks of a bout with a ball point pen. The little Cabbage Patch girl in the middle (ashamed to say I have forgotten her name...) was selected because my daughter liked her lips. On the right is Hospital Baby, dating from the time when my daughter was hospitalized for bronchopneumonia when she was only two. The only doll she could take with her was one that could be washed easily. Edward is holding my daughter's favorite spoon, which used to be mine when I was little. They're all sitting on a small patchwork I made for her when she was born. Each patch tells a tale, too. Happy, happy birthday to my little baby. Mama and big brother love you, and we know your father is looking over you too, with love.


Virginia said...

Pass the Kleenex please! That's about the dearest photo anyone has ever posted. Oh Bibi, a hard birthday for her this year, but we all send her very special birthday wishes!

Tash said...

Yup! I'm with V. It's wonderful that you have those treasures from her childhood and lovely that you shared them with us. Happy birthday, birthday girl in Seattle!

Virginia said...

Well I have quit sniffling long enough to tell you I have chosen you for one of my "Blogger Friends Forever" Awards! Come on over tomorrow, after 12 my time, and get your award and learn the "RULES!!!!"

Suz Broughton said...

As the mom of a seven-year-old girl...sigh...sob...sigh...Thanks for posting this. It just reminded me how fast the time goes by.
Happy birthday to your daughter!

MuseSwings said...

If (sniff) Virginia will hand me (snert) one of those tissues I may be able to gather myself (sniff) together long enough to tell you what a sweet birthday post (sigh) this is! Happy Birthday to your "little girl" and hugs to you for being a wonderful mom!

Louis la Vache said...

Very fine tribute to your daughter. From California, Francophile "Louis" sends your U.S.-dwelling daughter his best wishes via Belgrade! Now, how's that for getting around the globe?! ;-)

Kris McCracken said...

It’s a great day for a birthday, my Henry turned two today, so there must be something in the air!

Rinkly Rimes said...

Not just N for 'newly weds' but N for nativity and for nostalgia. Lovely photos, lovely thoughts.

soulbrush said...

and i agree with all the above..don't have a little girl, but feel happy for you and don't say how old she is...but the dolls tell the story. and dad is certainly watching over his little girl. hugs.

soulbrush said...

new blog, my world tuesday...see my post, join me....

Thérèse said...

A very touching post Pat. Love is everything.

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, what a sweet post! Happy Birthday to "baby" and "mom".

Riccardo said...

Buon Compleanno!!! Happy Birthday to her!!!!

marley said...

Bibi, you've done it again - brought a tear to my eye. What a lovely post for your daughter on her special day. I know it will be hard for her, and you, but keep strong :)

Marianne said...

Hi, I'm that friend whose son is Edward. Thanks Pat. You sure do stir up those memories. Know that I'm thinking of you and the birthday girl and her big brother today. Much love to all of you as I raise my glass in a toast.

Webradio said...

Happy Birthday Little Girl...

Have a nice day !

Marie Reed said...

I love the Cabbage Patch kid! I had two:) Good ole Jenny and Sherwood!

Becky said...

What a sweet idea! I hope your daughter was able to see it. I love blankets that tell a story. Great choice for the seat for the dolls.

Kim said...

How lovely. I think I've stopped crying long enough to say I loved hearing about each doll, the spoon, and the patchwork. We hold up these treasures of our kids and remember all those dear moments when they were small, and how much we love them and and proud of them as adults now (or near adult in my case). Oh, and the birthdays this week. First your daughter and Kris' little Henry, then Abe the following day, and mine the day after. We went to Ray's to celebrate, and I hadn't realized it, but our table was right next to the water, almost water level, and so it was like my Kurt was there with us, too. Made it very nice.
Many happy returns of the day to your daughter and many fond memories for you, Pat. I'm thinkinboutcha.
Seattle Daily Photo

Mim said...

Oh my, yes...pass the Kleenex - I wish your daughter a happy birthday. Gosh you all have so much love in your family and it shows so beautifully. If your daughter ever needs anything here in the US - you tell all your blogger friends and we'll all just jump in.

Anonymous said...
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Neva said...

It's my little girls birthday as well......and she is not here to celebrate either as she is traveling....a lovely post....

Anonymous said...

Hello To All You Bloggers:

Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes, I've never had so many global birthday wishes in my life! Mama, a very touching post, brought tears to my eyes, what fond memories those dolls brought back to me...Thank you.
“Mama’s baby girl”


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!