Thursday, May 23, 2019

I'm back....

I'm back!  I will try to post every day now. The only thing new, aside from the layout, will be that because I seem to be traveling more often than before, I won't always have a Belgrade photo.

But today I do, even though you may think I took this shot in France. I discovered a new cheese place at Belgrade's Kalenic Market called Francuske Tajne (French Secrets).  I bought a small piece of a goat cheese log (not pictured) and a slice of the Saint-Félicien on  the bottom right (round slices). Both were yummy.

It's a young Frenchman from Savoie who lives in Novi Sad who is the creator of these beauties....  His site is:

Check it out...


  Have been in India one week. I brought my hostess some ajvar, which she found goes very well on a chapati.