Sunday, June 21, 2009

Red and Yellow

This is a yellow tarp-like material covering part of a children's ride (the red) in a little amusement park beside the Sava River. The colors reminded me of Tibetan Buddhist monks' garments, and so I did a little research to what these colors mean to them.
The color red is auspicious in Tibetan culture. It is a sacred color, one of the colors of a monk's garments. It is believed to have protective qualities and is therefore often used to paint sacred buildings.
Yellow is has the highest symbolic value in Buddhism through its link with the saffron robes of monks. This color was chosen by Buddha as a symbol of his humility and separation from materialist society. It thus signifies renunciation, desirelessness, and humility.
Yellow is the color of earth, and thus a symbol of rootedness and the equanimity of the earth.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?