Tuesday, May 5, 2009

At the Snail's

This facade in Zemun has attracted me for such a long time. Originally I had just passed along the right side of this building, and had photographed the rooftop (saving that for another post). Recently, I looked up at the part facing the corner, and discovered the inscription "Kod Puža" or "At the snail's". I have no idea of the history of this building. I Googled it, but nothing, so I will have to return to ask around. It is such a beautiful facade, and I hate to see it falling apart. Notice the initial "E" on the right of the top photo. Was the original building's owner named "Escargot"? :<)
I was originally going to save this for ABC Wednesday's "P," since 'P" would not only have been for ""Puž," but also for "Pekara Petrovic" (Petrovic's bakery) written in Cyrillic below. I have a fragrant "P" for you tomorrow.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.