Monday, March 2, 2009

A bagel by any other name... not a bagel, it is probably a djevrek (JEV-rek), at least here in Belgrade. Here in the photo you can see a plain bagel (Yes, there is a real New York bagel shop here now, run by a Serb who lived in the Big Apple!), a sesame seed covered djevrek, and a thinner 'cocktail' djevrek'. Like the bagel, the two djevrek (actually 'djevreci' in the plural) shown here are boiled, but there exists another thicker kind that is baked like a bread and has a bread-like consistency. Djevreci
are eaten for a snack or for breakfast with yogurt. They don't keep well, and any leftover ones you can use for ring toss!

This photo is for Anci, who wrote to say she misses them...


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!