Sunday, May 8, 2011

CALIFORNIA, here I come!

As reads the plate, Far-out it will indeed be. I've been in the US since early March, since my mother has been having some difficulties which required moving her out of her house, selling things, cleaning up the house, making repairs, doing yard work....little time for me, and I thank all of you faithful readers for your comments. It's all I can do to post a photo, and I am so sorry I have little time to visit your blogs, but will return!

Before all these 'mother' occurred, I had planned to come in the summer and take a three-week road trip to visit various friends in California. Given the circumstances, I moved it up to May, and today I am off! Bibi's coming along, of course; my own trip in the Travels with Charley style.

I took this photo in a pizza restaurant...very good pizza, too.

Not sure how frequently I'll be able to post over the next month, but stay tuned.



 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?