Friday, June 11, 2010

SKYWATCH --shades of deja vu

I must admit: I cheated. This is a photo I posted on my third day of blogging back in March 2008. It didn't attract any comments, but I like this photo and so I'm reposting it. Plus, the scene has not changed at all anyway...same beautiful sunsets and little boats. Here's what I wrote back then:

"Here's another one of Belgrade's 17 municipalities, situated along the right bank of the Danube on marshy land, with its main settlements built further from the river. Zemun (ZAY-moon) itself was built right on the bank, 100 meters above sea level. It's wonderful to walk in just about any season along the river (sidewalks being upgraded into an even lovelier riverside walk). You can enjoy the view, have coffee, a drink, lunch or dinner at one of numerous cafes and restaurants (outdoor terraces are open as much as possible!) There are several great fish restaurants in particular."

Check out other bloggers' skies at SKYWATCH.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?