Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Lying down" policemen

What do they call them where you live: sleeping policemen, policiers couchés, speed tables, speed cushions, road humps? Here in Belgrade, they're called "lying (down) policemen," and they're basically of three kinds:

1) the "just-keep-speeding-no-damage-will-be-done-to-your-car" type as shown here in front of a school; (?!)
2) the "if-you-don't-slow-down-your-wheels-will-be-knocked-off" type;
3) the "gently-rounded-hill" type;
4) the "obstacle course" kind that are scattered across the road at intervals.

I have heard that in some cities there are even "dynamic" speed bumps, activated only if a vehicle is travelling above a certain speed.

According to a local news station, 7 pedestrians are struck by motor vehicles each day in Belgrade. Some say speed bumps don't prevent accidents. What do you say?


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.