Wednesday, March 9, 2022

A SIGN....

 While walking my dog down by the river last Sunday, I glimpsed a newly mounted pedestal and bust across the vast grassy area. I was drawn to it and came up behind it. Lo and behold, it was the bust of the famous Indian poet, RABINDRANATH TAGORE, who visited Belgrade in 1926. He stayed at the still open PALACE HOTEL, built in 1923, so it was very new when he came. Below are some photos of the poet and his entourage, as well as an old one of the Palace Hotel, which honestly could have been taken yesterday.

I took my attraction to the bust as a sign that India is calling me to visit again....   Next year, I  hope.


 No business now, so time for a newspaper  break. This fellow sells fresh fruit as it comes in's a bit early for strawberri...