Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
ABC WEDNESDAY--"G" is for "grandma again'
Little Nina, 8 lbs 7 oz, born Feb. 23rd, is the reason I haven't been posting on frequently....hang on. I'll be back. Nina is # 4 grandchild for me, gosh....
See other Gs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
SKYWATCH--early morning
Not so terribly early, but earlier than I'm usually up nowadays. Fifth Avenue in Seattle, with the monorail track on the right and two red lights straight ahead.
See other skies on SKYWATCH.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Twice Sold Tales
Twice Sold Tales is one of my favorite used bookshops in Seattle. It's jam-packed with all kinds of books, and they're organized really well. I have often been lucky to find just what I'm looking for and then some. The shop used to be in the University District, but has moved to Capitol Hill, where I stumbled upon it. The owner is a cat-lover, and though I am not, I fell for this orange cat. It must have liked me, too, since when I was paying, it padded right over to me, put its nose right smack on mine, then gently climbed on my shoulder and around the back of my neck. Kind of creepy,but pleasant at the same time....
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Oh, my.....there goes my will-power again, or lack of. I like to go to El Diablo cafe on Queen Anne here in Seattle because they have good coffee and the atmosphere is conducive to writing, which I sometimes do there. I have also discovered they have luscious, good-old American-style cakes, like this devil's food one with coconut icing that I succumbed to.
I am fated to go "straight to El" for my sin, as you can see in the second photo. I can only hope that Satan has devil's food cake.....
See other Fs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Reach for the sky....or needle....
The long arm of the statue of Chief Seattle reaches for the sky...or Space Needle...or perhaps the satellite dishes on KOMO 4 News.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Eat cupcakes...and do WHAT?
Spied this fellow selling not sure what, but it wasn't cupcakes, at Westlake Mall here in Seattle. His shirt reads in entirety, "Eat Cupcakes and Praise Satan"....hmm....
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Vincent, my Valentine
How's this guy for a sweet Valentine? Judging by the heart on the window, I guess his name is Vincent. Not sure what he's wearing, but his surroundings definitely scream "Happy Valentine's Day".
I took the larger photo first, then noticed that he has a mini-me in the second photo.
Friday, February 13, 2015
SKYWATCH--squid, anyone?
The other day I posted a photo from a sushi bar, but had few commentors who shared my taste for that dish.
How about squid? These people were waiting for the sun to go down so the squid below the pier would be more amenable to their bait.
See other skies on SKYWATCH.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Four fingers, no thumb...REVISED!!
REVISION: Mathematically-challenged me now sees that there are indeed four fingers and a thumb....duh.
Bad enough to be dismembered hand, let alone be short a thumb along with a body. Seen on the floor of a closed business on Capitol Hill in Seattle.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
ABC WEDNESDAY: "E" is for 'envious'
I must admit I'n a bit envious of this cool kids' hair salon in a toy store here in Seattle.
What fun! Also have to admit I'd have a terrible time trying to squeeze myself into one of those cars.
See other Es on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Monday, February 9, 2015
Rain, rain....
The East Coast has major snow and here in Seattle we have a lot of rain. California envies the Evergreen State at the moment. I hear it's dry down there.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
ABC WEDNESDAY--"D" is for "detail"
In the back yard of my daughter's house stands the most beautiful magnolia tree, laden down with beautiful blossoms in the spring. I found this magnolia pod and liked the texture. I will crack it open to see the seeds, which are, I think, red. Should you have a pod and want to grow a magnolia tree, just google 'magnolia pod' and you'll see how.
See other Ds on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.
NOTE: A big THANK YOU to blogger Alain, who informed me that this tree's name is named for the French botanist Pierre Magnol (June 8, 1638 – May 21, 1715) from Montpellier, France.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Feeling devilish
It's my birthday today and I am feeling devilish. This little devil adorns a stool in El Diablo coffee shop on Queen Anne in Seattle. Good coffee, with a mug of their featured brew for only one dollar.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
THEME DAY--What I would miss most
I had the privilege of selecting this month's theme, and I chose "What Would You Miss Most?" if you had to leave the city you usually post from.
I would definitely miss the Romi or Gypsy population here, for many reasons: their resourcefulness, their spontaneity, and their overall joie de vivre, despite many prejudices and hardships. I'm in Seattle now, and haven't seen a-one.
I've posted about them many times before, and you may remember this photo.
Today I'm posting several photos together, but hey, it's my meme and tomorrow is my birthday.
See other photos for this meme on City Daily Photo Theme Day.
NOTE: The other day I took one of those dumb quizzes everyone posts on Facebook. This one queried, "What were you in a former life?" Guess what I was: a gypsy!
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Yes, indeed some Valentines DO have four paws. Case in point. Here I am with Madhu, not long after I adopted her five years ago. HAPPY VAL...