Friday, April 18, 2008

"Belgrade is the world!"

From April 16th to the 19th Belgrade is holding its annual celebration "Days of Belgrade." This year, the theme is "Belgrade is the World," and so the city has been divided into four compass points, each celebrating in a different way on one of the four days. For example, the western part of the city (New Belgrade) has been deemed "California/Hollywood," and the Faculty of Drama there organized a day-long film program. There was a best Hollywood star look-alike competition, and the winner won win a trip to Hollywood for two. Not sure yet who it was!

This big globe floats over Slavija Circle downtown. The Circle is home to the first McDonald's ever built in Eastern Europe, which was behind me in this photo. You've seen one anyway, right?


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?