Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--"P" is for "photobombed"

I liked this lady's pink lip boots and her two bags she was carrying with some difficulty.  Snap went my shutter as the pigeon whooshed by to photobomb my photo.

See other Ps on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
Faster than a blink
Photo ruined or enhanced
By this brazen bird  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Army officers

 From a distance I thought these officers were discussing something about their work, but when I enlarged the photo, I see someone is sharing photos of their kids.

Daily Haiku
Is an admirable trait
Love your children too


Monday, April 28, 2014

Le monsieur en bleu....

Several times I've shown you a lady in blue like the one if you click here, and nowhere's a man in blue....

Quite the picture of spring.  You might recognize the juice in my last Thursday's post. It's not the same juice; two people were enjoying this drink!

Daily Haiku
Vision of springtime
Bright blue and lemon yellow
Brightening up our streets

Friday, April 25, 2014


These two trees don't form a real symmetry, but thought they were close enough, along with the two benches below.  Chestnut trees, with those conical blossoms. My mother and I used to call them 'ice cream cone' trees, since they reminded us of Dairy Queen's soft-serve ice cream.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku
White chestnut blossoms
Remind me of ice cream cones
Fragrant vanilla   

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The disembodied hand

Ah, a disembodied hand like the disembodied arm I showed you before.

The juice looks good, doesn't it?

Daily Haiku
"Piano fingers"
My mother used to tell me
But I never learned

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--"O" is for "original"

This has to be one of the more original gift packs I've seen.  These 'sausages' are actually dark chocolate made to look like sausages.

I like sausages...but I like chocolate better.  The price is 860 dinars, which comes out to just a little over $10.00  (US).

Daily Haiku
Melting dark and sweet
With hazelnuts or just plain
Chocolate's my vice

See other O's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Balloons, a piece of clover, lead figures....  What interested you as a kid?

Daily Haiku
Caught up in the rush
Oh, for the simplicity
Of childhood days

Monday, April 21, 2014

The moss beside the stairs

Another one of my little Minox Classic 5.1 shots.  Stairs in Kalemegdan Park, looking very vintage, but then again, they are!

Daily Haiku
The old monk was asked,
How did you cross the mountain?
"One step at a time." 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Shadow Shot

Not a colorful post for Easter, but I wish those who celebrate the holiday a Joyous Easter.

This fellow plays almost every day on Knez Mihailova.

See other shadows on Shadow Shot Sunday.

Daily Haiku
Lost in his own world
Strumming tunes on his guitar
Hoping for handout  

Saturday, April 19, 2014

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--a slice of the old

A new building on Sremska Street reflects an older one across the way.

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.

Daily Haiku
Not gone, just hidden 
Our past lurks inside us
Waits to resurface

Friday, April 18, 2014

SKYWATCH--meditating at the tower

Meditating at Nebojsa's Tower." This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago; these days it's been cold, rainy....brrrr.

Daily Haiku
Soggy, cold, and wet
Trudging through the metropolis
Toward a warmer spring  

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring sparrow

I'm a bit late on this one, since the blossoms in this tree are all but gone.  The sparrow is the mascot  of Belgrade, and this little fellow looks quite proud and happy among these flowers. 

A legend linked to this small bird says that during the Ottoman siege of Belgrade in the 15th century a sparrow was found shot in the heart with two arrows. Since then, it has been said that Belgrade is as indestructible as the sparrow. The bird was chosen as the symbol of Belgrade because it is small but capable of soaring to great heights, and thus stands for the Belgrade spirit.

 However, in recent years, Belgrade's sparrow population has dropped dramatically.

Daily Haiku
Tiny bird, brown, white  
Soaring high, fast, dynamic
Is now endangered


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--"N" is for "No more"

A sad sight for me. Plato bookstore has been here just about as long as I have.  It's been closed down now, for accumulated debts, and you can read about it if you click right here. Word is that it will be made into a theater; let's see.  Don't you just love the pillar on the right?  I hope this facade remains.

See other N's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
Soon to be no more
  I find myself thinking of

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tiny Pink

I'm no botanist, so I don't know what these tiny flowers are, but they're pretty.

Daily Haiku
 Out of the darkness
Often emerges beauty
Suffer through hard times

Monday, April 14, 2014


I did a double-take not so much because of the open jacket, but because of what I thought were her fat rolls....and then I saw the other hand.

Looks like ripped jeans are back in fashion again.

Daily Haiku
Being pretty now
Is sometimes not quite enough
You have to shock, too  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

SUNDAY BRIDGES--arches, curves

I've shown you this bridge before, but somehow today I was struck by the curves of the arch and the tree, and the lines of the wooden and metal railings.

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.

Daily Haiku
Made of wood or stone
Spanning rivers or ravines
A bridge leads us across


Saturday, April 12, 2014


These buildings with such reflective windows may not be pretty in themselves, but they sure make for great reflections.

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.

Daily Haiku
Things should be this way
In history and in present
New reflects the old  

Friday, April 11, 2014

SKYWATCH--Black and white and an airplane

Not much to say....skies have been blue, but as I type this, I hear that on Friday it will rain.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku
Like a fingernail
Across a dusty surface
Airplane streaks the sky  

Thursday, April 10, 2014


April 8th was International Romani Day, a day set aside to focus on the issues facing the Romani people all over the world.  Belgrade has its share of Romani, or gypsies, as they are often called, and many, like these two guys, do a major business in recycling.  I was walking down the street when they shouted to me, "Hey, take our picture!" so I obliged.  They asked me who would see it, and I said "Just me," but I guess that's not quite're seeing it, too.

I think I'll print a copy and carry it with me in case I see their happy faces again.

Daily Haiku
 Shunned for centuries
Outcasts of society
Look at their smiles.... 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ABC Wednesday "M" is for "multicolored"

Found these multi-colored scenes on the same street, Skadarlija, in what is known as Belgrade's Bohemian quarter.  Okay, Alcatraz is a bit drab and not multi-colored, but then it's Alcatraz...

See other Ms on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
Lemon, plum,kiwi
Sweet, tangy, tart, succulent
Can you taste the colors?


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The young violinist Part II

Do you remember this little boy? I photographed him again, then returned to give him the copies I'd made, and then made one more photo that I'm showing you here.

He thanked me, still very serious as in the previous post, but now with a hint of a smile.

Daily Haiku
Mournful violin
Is the voice of this child
Playing in the street

Monday, April 7, 2014

World Health Day

I just found out the other day that today is WORLD HEALTH DAY, which gives me a good opportunity to use this photo I took last week.  She seems in good shape, though I think she's not going to do too well in the pool with those boots and skis.  The boys are in need of some exercise, but all they do is stand there, day after day, season after season.  Snacking on fruit though, so that's a plus.

Daily Haiku
Get out of the house
And give blogging a rest
Or so I should do 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

SUNDAY BRIDGES--rainbow colors?

Three bridges, three colors, and a yellow bus.  At first I thought of a rainbow, but then I googled "flags: blue, green, red horizontal stripes" and came up with Gambia's flag.  Somewhere I'm sure there's a flag with these stripes and a yellow-something on it, but I was too lazy to look.

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.

Too lazy today for the daily haiku....  :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

WEEKEND REFLECTION--the museum cleaner

Caught this woman cleaning the floor of Belgrade's Serbian Academy of Science and Art.

See more reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.

Daily Haiku
Mopping back and forth
Across the white marble floor
With wide, circling strokes  

Friday, April 4, 2014

SKYWATCH--The Victor contre-jour

The biggest man about town, the statue of The Victor, in Kalemegdan Park.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku
Alert, courageous
Undaunted by rain, snow, sleet
Watching for new threats

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Laying down the line

Spring is here and it's time to brighten it flowers, or repainting the lines in the street.  This man is painting the "No Parking" lines in front of his garage door. Normally, the city does this, but why wait?

Daily Haiku
Yellow lines warn us
Don't even think of parking
Or be towed away 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--- "L" is for "Little brother"

Here you go.  Little Mila, my granddaughter, now has a baby brother, Ivan (EE-vahn), named after my late husband. Do you find any resemblance between this photo of Mila and Baby Ivan?

See other L's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
All grandkids are cute
But don't tell anyone please--
Mine are the cutest!
(ha, ha)


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

THEME DAY--Triangles

Here you go. Triangles on the Museum of Modern Art in New Belgrade!

See other triangles on THEME DAY APRIL 2014.

Daily Haiku
Oh, geometry
Made up of size, shape, and form
You're all Greek to me  


 Another bus shot. This young woman had just read a text. It looks like she's trying to come up with a response.