Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And they're off!!


And no, they're not late.  Santa Claus doesn't come here on  Christmas, but rather for New Year's.  (And anyway, even if he did, Serbs celebrate according to the Serbian Orthodox Calendar, which makes it on January 7th.)

These Santas sprinted down Belgrade's main downtown street last Sunday.

I've posted other photos on Flickr, which you can see if you click here.


Daily Haiku
We like to believe
Tomorrow will be better
It's what we make it

Monday, December 30, 2013

Moša Pijade Street....or is it?

I pass by this statue in front of Belgrade's largest newspaper building (Politika)  just about every day.  I've noticed the massive statue of Moša Pijade many times, but never gave it much thought until a little further on a woman asked me for directions to Decanska Street, which at first didn't ring a bell.

Fortunately, another passer-by came to my aid, telling the lady that Decanska Street used to be called Moša Pijade Street, but since communist street names were replaced, out went Moša.  

Or not quite.  The sign you see is still on the street that is now called Decanska, at least in one place where I took the photo....

So here's a little bit about  Moša Pijade:

Moša Pijade (MO-sha PE-ya-deh) 1890-1957, a Shephardic Jew,  was one of the senior communist leaders in the former Yugoslavia, and a close confidante of Marshal Josip Broz Tito.

He first went to study art in Munich and Paris but soon took up journalism and developed a penchant for radicalism. He was imprisoned along with many others after World War I for his pro-Communist sympathies. In prison he met and befriended many of the people who were later to become the leaders of Yugoslavia

He fought in the Anti-Nazi resistance among the Partisans (who unlike the ones in other parts of Eastern Europe were not anti-Semitic and openly welcomed Jews into its ranks). He quickly rose through the ranks and was appointed by Tito (who was an ethnic Croat) to suppress all 'counter revolutionary activities'. Pijade became so feared and hated by the Serbs (especially in places like Montenegro) because of his policies, that mothers would warn their children that if they misbehaved 'Mosa' would come and get them.

Daily Haiku

A street's just a street
No matter what its name is
It leads back and forth


Friday, December 27, 2013

SKYWATCH -- All ready for the New Year

Looks like the folks who set up the table and benches on the roof are all ready for the New Year, at least the warmer part of it.  Or perhaps they're members of the Polar Bear Club.

Daily Haiku
Frosty winter days
Make us yearn for warmer ones
Enjoy the cold and wait 

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Quick, before she's gone!

Elves move pretty fast, which is why this photo is a bit out of focus....

Daily Haiku

If you see an elf
Run and catch him if you can
But I'll bet you can't 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve....

All is calm, but not yet bright in this photo. Lights are up all over town; quite pretty after 5 p.m.

May health, peace, and happiness be with you.

Daily Haiku

Health, peace, happiness
There's nothing more that you need
In body and mind

Monday, December 23, 2013

Some call them home

At least some call them home in the summer.  These are 'weekend' houseboats along the Sava River.  Not a soul around on this cold, cold day.

Daily Haiku

Like ships in the night
Shifting shape in the thick fog
Once before me then gone

Friday, December 20, 2013

SKYWATCH--walker in the cold

 Darn cold the other day....I didn't last long on this walk.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku
Crunching frozen grass
Spurred on by an icy wind
Seeking my home’s warmth


  Have been in India one week. I brought my hostess some ajvar, which she found goes very well on a chapati.