Thursday, June 20, 2013

SKYWATCH--through a saltdrop window

Took the Victoria Clipper from Seattle to Victoria, B.C. (2.5 hours) this past weekend with my daughter.  A view of the sun through a saltdrop window...

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

P.S. When I linked to Skywatch, I learned that yesterday, June 20th, in 1837 Queen Victoria ascended to the throne of England. Great Britain and Ireland She reigned for 63 years and seven months.

Red Robin

Nothing stunning about this photo of a robin, but it's just to tell you that the little Pine Sisken, which I showed you right here last May,was successfully rehabilitated by PAWS and released into the wild!

A happy ending.


 I had a hankering for Serbian sauerkraut. It's different from the kind I grew up with, which was sauerkraut from a can warmed up. Here ...