Sunday, May 19, 2024


 When the weather was as good as it was last week, there are always a few homeless persons sleeping on benches in parks. One such was just to the left of where I took this photo. Some kind person had left 200 dinars ($2.00) with a lsrge chocolate bar beside his bare and callused feet on the bench. 

I saw these 'kids' spot the chocolate and the money. The one in the middle picked up a large stick and all tjree headed toward the bench. I stood by the bench and stared them down. They stopped. It was a case of who will back down first. I pulled out my phone snd pretended to take a video at which point the kid with the stick pulled up his hoodie and walked a distance away. Little kid was still smirking and the biggest one just stood there, mumbling his innocence. 

I told them to move on. No reaction. At that point I said I was calling the police. They instantly disappeared.


 Nippy this morning on my dog walk!  Our nearby park has several sources of water and are frozen solid. Except of course for one place. I im...