Today is Madhu's third birthday....and I had no photo for my blog, so...... (Yes, I know she needs a facial trim!--no time for that either right now.)
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Today is Madhu's third birthday....and I had no photo for my blog, so...... (Yes, I know she needs a facial trim!--no time for that either right now.)
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
See other reflections on WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.
See other skies on SKYWATCH.
These old, neglected stairs led from a play area to yet another, which has now disappeared behind the bushes.
She must have a good heart. They are/were all street dogs.
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
See more black and white shots on THE WEEKEND IN BLACK AND WHITE.
But I have been on my son's terrace where his wife has planters of geraniums.
Fiddling with bokeh effect with Nikon 16-55mm lens on my Z50.
See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.
Who's he texting to?
Kind of like the leaping lights!
Once-upon-a-time this entire building stood proud, but now, like quite a few here, it's fallen into disrepair.
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
Yesterday I showed you "CHILLIN' AT THE MARKET and today here is a fellow doing the same in a nearby park. I do not blame him one bit. It's one of the coolest places around, an oasis in the city.
Anyway, here is a photo taken in Discovery Park, Seattle, about two years ago. I think it's a magnolia tree, judging by the leaves.
Grandkids had fun climbing on it.
See other interpretations of 'wood' on THEME DAY.
Last summer I moved from downtown Belgrade to New Belgrade, just across the river. Above was my view from my bedroom window before the move...