So that the competitors (and future occupants) won't have to look out on the huts of several hundred gypsy and refugee families who are living in the unhygienic conditions you can see in the first photo, the City has razed their homes, forcing them to the streets. The City has promised new housing to those squatters who have national identity cards, but only a tiny percent do. These are primarily Serbs who have escaped from Kosovo, and not the gypsies.
The sign you see on both photos reads, "No one is worried about Belgrade's citizens. They're only interested in refugees. They get everything, and Belgrade's children get nothing, and must go on the street. We are praying for help."
This is an eternal problem for Belgrade's gypsy population. In the past, they have been promised resettlement, but residents near possible relocation sites have staged protests to keep them out.
What's your view?