Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 If you live in Europe, you've probably run across statues on walls. Many here seem to frolic with companions, but others are more somber. This male figure is holding an urn on his shoulder on the facade of this apartment building.

I looked up "What do urns mean?" and came up with this, from Wiki:  "

What The Urn Means

In a sense, the urn is a symbol of beauty. Our earthly remains will be concealed and preserved, represented by timeless elegance of the urn’s design. During the neocalssical period, the earliest of urns displayed anient Greek and Roman scenes depicted in art and jewelry design. The urn could be shaped in anyway or form as the name is derived from the Latin root “uro” which meant “burn”.

Moreover, in many cultures, the urn is a symbol of death. It is believed by many religions that the body is turned into dust as the spirit floats away towards God. The draped urn emphasizes this symbolism as it denotes the death of a person. When the shroud drapery denotes a dearly departed soul to heaven in relation to the shroud dressed over the body, the drape symbolizes the separation between life and death and guards the sacred contents of the urn. When an urn rests on top of a column or tomb, it often is a representation of the mourning depiction. In early design from Neoclassicism, the urn depicts the mourner interacting with the urn. The urn in this depiction represents the loved one.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?