Thursday, December 1, 2022

THEME DAY for December: Luxury

 I was thinking and thinking about the theme "Luxury" and wanted to avoid the usual pictures that pop into one's mind when hearing the word. (See other theme day posts at THEME DAY.)

Finally I had a "Eureka!" moment when I found that I am surrounded by luxury. Serbia's inflation is rising and here's what the Internet has to say:  "For 2021, an inflation rate of 4.1% was calculated. During the observation period from 1995 to 2021, the average inflation rate was 22.5% per year. Overall, the price increase was 10,671.01%. An item that cost 100 dinars in 1995 costs 10,771.01 dinars at the beginning of 2022."

So, this supermarket flyer is a good example. Items that used to be within reach for most have now become 'luxuries.' And I am glad I have gone off meat, except for rare occasions.  For your information, the average salary in Serbia is the equivalent of $1,347.00 which may not go far for families. For those on pensions which is inferior to that, it's even more difficult.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?