Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ABC Wednesday "Z" is for "Zen"

The simplest definition for Zen is 'contemplation.' I found this quote while searching more about Zen, in order to tie Zen in with my 'ice' photo. (Addendum after posting: I'm always a bit bothered when I believe to have posted something with no direct relation to Belgrade/Serbia. I ran another search about "Buddhist thought in Serbia" and surprisingly, I found this site for you to check out: Looks like this goes waaay back.)

"All beings are from the very beginning Buddhas.
It is like water and ice: Apart from water, no ice,
Outside living beings, no Buddhas.
Not knowing it is near, they seek it afar. What a pity!
It is like one in the water who cries out with thirst;
It is like the child of a rich house who has strayed among the poor.
The cause of our circling through the six worlds
Is that we are on the dark paths of ignorance.
Dark path upon dark path treading,
When shall we escape from birth-and-death? "
- Hakuin, 1689-1769
Song of Meditation


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?