Monday, January 4, 2010

Ebrahim and Radovan

Today I went into the dunes outside of Doha with seven other tourists! Above you can see Radovan posing with our guide, Ebrahim, who took us on a hair-raising roller coaster thrill ride up and down super steep dunes in his Land Cruiser. As it turned out, I had the front seat right beside his, which enhanced my experience...and intensified my fear. Ebrahim went down zigzagging, straightforward, and backwards! I am not the roller coaster type, and for the first three dunes I shut my eyes. Then I realized I wasn't going to be able to enjoy anything with my eyes shut and figured he probably didn't want to die or wreck his car either, so I relaxed and went with the flow.

We stopped for a camel ride, a view of several lakes, and were treated to a Bedouin camp meal beside the Persian Gulf. The water was warm, crystal-clear, and an inviting shade of pale green.

I forgot my sun screen and got a bit burned on my face...I hear it is snowing in Belgrade....


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?