Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Theme Day-Yellow/ABC Wednesday "K" is for "Keepsake"

Yes, I know there isn't much yellow on this photo, but I just couldn't resist bragging about how Bibi made this month's cover Belgrade's new English-language publication, Belgrade Mutts. For me, it will be a Keepsake. Created by several ex-pats here who are concerned with Belgrade's stray dog population, the magazine features Mutts of Interest and their stories. In this issue, Bibi tells her heartbreaking story of her life at Katya's (see icon on sidebar) and how she was rescued by the City Daily Photo blogger who uses her name...and photo. Belgrade Mutts is available downtown at your newsstand or to those of you in blogland by subscription. Oh, yes, and by the way....April Fool.

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 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!