Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A caramel Bibi

Last Sunday a friend and I paid another visit to Katja , the lady with nearly 300 dogs at last count. Katja has been working with a French friend of mine to help her home these dogs in Europe, and has had some success so far. Approximately 10 of her dogs leave each month for new homes in primarily France, Belgium, and Germany, and the nicest part is, these are very often dogs with some sort of handicap. The plan is for Katja not to accept any more dogs, and to home the ones she has. Unfortunately, Katja often wakes up to new dogs that have been thrown over her fence, tied to her front gate, or abandoned as puppies in a box.

Bibi came from this place, and I couldn't help but notice a resemblance between caramel-colored "Nena" in the upper photo and Bibi.

I've posted more photos of the dogs on Flickr and I hope you can connect to the link. If not, contact me through my email under my profile. If you're interested in helping Katja, write me there as well, and I will put you in contact with my friend (French, English, and Serbian-speaking.)


 No business now, so time for a newspaper  break. This fellow sells fresh fruit as it comes in season....it's a bit early for strawberri...