Monday, September 1, 2008

Theme Day--Sister Cities "Belgrade-Chicago"

"Chicago, Chicago, that's my kind of town...." And I'm pretty sure it would be too, if I were ever to travel there. Thanks to Nesha of the Beograd Cafe and Meat Market in Chicago, I am showing you this photo today that he gave me permission to publish. As their site, "Beograd Market is a family-owned, old-fashioned market and coffee shop...selling only the finest tasting beef, pork, and lamb....In addition to our meat products, we also carry homemade meals, groceries, and frozen foods." Check out their site for a glimpse of mouth-watering ćevapčići, pljeskavice, (check my April 14th post; go to Archives on the left), and their photo gallery for a picture of Vlade Divac, the basketball star, who visited the Market!


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.