Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY--"L" is for "Lucky me"

I posted this same photo on March 31st, but no one saw it, or at least left a comment. Not blaming you, but rather me, since somehow I goofed on the posting and it was still sitting there as a draft two days later.

To repeat myself, this is breakfast prepared by my good friend Pete, whose wife Mira is also a very, very good friend. They've helped me in all kinds of situations more than you can imagine, most recently with my mother, the reason I am now in the US.

Pete loves to cook and remembers who likes what. Here he remembered that I like two pieces of toast and coffee. The slice of turkey and the egg he added for protein! He also remembered I always sneak Bibi some of what I eat, so he put a slice of turkey on the little napkin...see it?

LUCKY me to have such good friends.

See other L's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?