Friday, February 17, 2012

SKYWATCH--Prince Miloš Obrenović

Prince Miloš Obrenović (MEE-lush O-bren-o-veetch, 1780-1860) was Prince of Serbia twice (1815-1839 and 1858-1860). He participated in the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire and later led the Serbs in the Second Serbian Uprising in Takovo, Serbia. Under him, Serbia became an autonomous duchy within the Ottoman Empire. I used to drive down Belgrade’s main boulevard, Kneza Miloša, just about every day and never noticed this statue...until I walked by. Slow down and see.... Photo taken before our big snow...since then, I pick my way along sidewalks, lest I slip or be hit by a falling icicle.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


 No business now, so time for a newspaper  break. This fellow sells fresh fruit as it comes in's a bit early for strawberri...