Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back in Belgrade...15 years later!

This is probably my first really personal photo. Here are Chris and Jenny, two teachers who taught at the International School of Belgrade 15 years ago! They fell in love with Belgrade and the Serbs, and have always kept up contact with me and with Chris's Serbian cousins. Their travels have taken them to China (10 years!!), Costa Rica (4 years), and now they're in Doha, Qatar. But their hearts are in Belgrade, where they've just visited over their school's Ramadan break. In this photo they're about to enjoy a starter dish of kajmak (KY-mak), a rich, creamy type of spread guaranteed to eventually clog your arteries. Bon appétit, or Prijatno! (pree-YET-no), as they say here.


 The sign on a sidewalk above an overpass reads "Careful!  Slippery!".  And it was. I gingerly ventured out, holding onto the oran...