This is my very, very first photo I took way back in 1973 with a screw-mount Praktica SLR camera I bought while living in Paris. My former boss helped me choose it, after I kept bugging him by showing him photos in magazines and saying, "I want a camera that can do this!" I loved my little Praktica and miss it. I was a complete novice when I got it; I'd take a photo (film, remember?), jot down the aperture, speed, and distance, then compare the results when I got either the contact sheet (remember those?) or the photos. Would you believe I even snipped individual negatives, thinking it was easier than keeping them on the strip??
This photo was taken in my apartment in Montmartre the same afternoon I bought the camera. I only had bread and wine (Paris!), and quickly put together this still life. (You can see that I didn't "do windows" at the time...)
Here's to you!!