Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Theme Day "Glass" Živeli! (Cheers!)

Serbs love their rakija (RAH-kee-yuh) or brandy, which is usually made from plums, although it can be made from other fruit, such as quince or pears. I photographed a pear here, for it's not the season for plums, and so I couldn't find any for my photo. Here you can see an assortment of rakija glasses and a carafe. The two tall glasses on the left in front of the pear are
the most classic ones. Živeli! (ZHEE-veh-lee!) or Cheers!
P.S. I took this photo with my macro lens, my latest piece of 'glass'.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


 Nippy this morning on my dog walk!  Our nearby park has several sources of water and are frozen solid. Except of course for one place. I im...