Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flat out.

Since Tuesday evening I have set foot outside just once, and that was yesterday, when I went down to get my visa renewed at the police station. It was pantomime at several points, since I've been laid up (or down, actually) with a major cold, cough, aches, and....laryngitis, and I was and still am to some extent, voiceless! I hurried home and went back to bed. Here is what I've been spending my time with the last few days. I am especially thankful for my little ASUS computer that is so handy. (How did you think I was visiting your blogs?) Only Bibi, who was lying beside me the whole time, is absent from this photo. Thank goodness my son is around to walk her.

Have you been sick this fall?


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?