Friday, August 12, 2011

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--sky over the newly-renovated park

I've shown you Tasmajdan Park downtown several times before, but it has recently (and thankfully) been renovated, making the entire park much more enjoyable. New walkways, fountains, a small dog park, chess tables, playgrounds...wonderful. There are two new statues. The one in the foreground is of Milorad Pavic, a rather unorthodox writer, style-wise, who passed away at the age of 80 in 2009. I've never read his books, but what Wiki says about his works is intriguing:
  • Dictionary of the Khazars takes the form of three cross-referenced encyclopedias of the Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkish people. The book was published in a "male" and "female" version, which differ in only a brief, critical passage.
  • Landscape Painted with Tea mixes the forms of novel and a crossword puzzle.
  • Inner Side of the Wind – can be read back to front, each section telling one character's version of the story.
  • Last Love in Constantinople has chapters numbered after tarot cards. The reader is invited to use a tarot deck to determine the order in which the chapters can be read.
  • Unique Item has one hundred different endings and the reader can choose one.
The other statue is of Heidar Aliev, the third president of a Azerbaijan, who also passed away at the age of 80 in 2003. Azerbaijan financed part of the renovation of Tasmajdan Park.

See other skies at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?