Friday, August 12, 2011

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--sky over the newly-renovated park

I've shown you Tasmajdan Park downtown several times before, but it has recently (and thankfully) been renovated, making the entire park much more enjoyable. New walkways, fountains, a small dog park, chess tables, playgrounds...wonderful. There are two new statues. The one in the foreground is of Milorad Pavic, a rather unorthodox writer, style-wise, who passed away at the age of 80 in 2009. I've never read his books, but what Wiki says about his works is intriguing:
  • Dictionary of the Khazars takes the form of three cross-referenced encyclopedias of the Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkish people. The book was published in a "male" and "female" version, which differ in only a brief, critical passage.
  • Landscape Painted with Tea mixes the forms of novel and a crossword puzzle.
  • Inner Side of the Wind – can be read back to front, each section telling one character's version of the story.
  • Last Love in Constantinople has chapters numbered after tarot cards. The reader is invited to use a tarot deck to determine the order in which the chapters can be read.
  • Unique Item has one hundred different endings and the reader can choose one.
The other statue is of Heidar Aliev, the third president of a Azerbaijan, who also passed away at the age of 80 in 2003. Azerbaijan financed part of the renovation of Tasmajdan Park.

See other skies at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.


  Weather permitting, I take my dog for a looong walk along the Danube in New Belgrade toward Old Belgrade. In this photo you can see, from ...