Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Happy ever after in the market place..."

Well, I'm definitely somehow on a rock "roll" now, with this photo named after the Beatles' song. This happy couple have a stand in a small market downtown, where they sell all kinds of batteries, plugs, extension cords...enlarge the photo to see. Before I took their photo, I'd been trying to photograph on the sly a woman selling cabbages, but she wasn't lining up as I liked. This lady gesticulated to me, making "clicking the camera motions," and said in English, "Please--photo!" (Imagine--she thought I was a tourist!) She was happy to find out I could really communicate with her, and we had a little chat. She pulled her husband over, and there's the photo. I promised her, as I often do with people, a hard copy.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?