Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hotel Moscow's Specialty

In Belgrade there's a famous hotel, the Hotel Moskva, or Hotel Moscow, which is 100 years old this year. I'll be posting a photo one of these days, but for the moment, there's a big construction crane behind it, and it would be quite a job to photoshop it out.... It is the only hotel of this name outside Russia, and has witnessed numerous tumultuous events. I love to sit in its newly-renovated but still old-style coffee shop, and my husband and I occasionally have dinner in the restaurant. The other night we did, or sort of, since we asked to sit outside on the terrace. This is my husband's dessert (honest--I had chocolate ice cream), and it's the hotel's specialty called Moskva Šnit (MOSK-vah SHNEET), which translates as Moscow Piece (of cake). I'll be happy to post the recipe soon under my comments for this photo, but I'm warning calls for 16 eggs!


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?