Monday, July 28, 2008

Radovan at Lawrence Durrell's villa

We all stayed in Kalami on the island of Corfu, just across from the White House villa, as it is called where the British writer Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990) lived for several years and wrote Prospero's Cell. Neither I nor Radovan have read this book, but we did read his brother Gerald Durrell's entertaining account of the family's life on Corfu entitled My Family and Other Animals. That's the White House in the background. One day we drove into Corfu City, the island's largest town. It's a previously fortified city with a labyrinth of cobblestone streets, some too narrow for vehicular traffic. There is an attractive esplanade between the town and the citadel called "Liston," which is behind Radovan here, where upscale restaurants and European style bistros abound. The Liston was built by the French to resemble the Rue de Rivoli in Paris, but the name was given by the British, as during their rule only nobility could sit there and you needed to be "on a list" to stroll or be seated there. Radovan, being a village guy, was happy this is no longer a stipulation for visiting.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!