Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ABC Wednesday "Q" is for "quizzical"

Was stuck in photographic doldrums the other day and went out to search for something new. I wasn't disappointed, and couldn't believe what I was seeing when I looked up at the facade of the now 'for sale' Zvezda (Star) movie theater. A cherub photographing another cherub?? This, for a blogger, was too good to be true!

Intrigued, I Googled "Zvezda movie theater" and found out that the building dates from 1890. Part of it was a studio of the first royal Serbian photographer, Milan Jovanovic, and the other part became one of the oldest cinemas in Belgrade. The building is protected by the Institute for protection of cultural monuments. If you click on the link above, you can read more about this building...and buy it, if you want.

Anybody want to invest in a City Daily Photo Bloggers' Hall? :)

See other Q's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


  Weather permitting, I take my dog for a looong walk along the Danube in New Belgrade toward Old Belgrade. In this photo you can see, from ...