Popping back to Seattle for this colorful mural. They say dogs only see shades of yellow and blue, so whoever did this mural either knew that or lucked out.
See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.
That is why I would never have a white dog! Or a white car....or a white coat....or a white skirt....
Happy Weekend to all.
See other skies on SKYWATCH.
Anyway, I asked a lady waiting in line who told me that the icon of Mary Mother of God Softener of Evil Hearts had arrived on loan to the small Russian church. Apparently, this particular icon is not seen often. You can read more about it by clicking HERE.
I have written about the Serbian poet Desanka Maksimovic before. Here her statue sits under a cover of snow.
That's a question that has long been left unanswered for Belgrade citizens. Upon my return, I was pleased to see that these signs are now at every bus stop. Here it says #10 is 22 minutes and 15 stops away. No clue about the 2, 5, and 79... They must be really out of range. I didn't hang around to see.
Those are going to be very crowded pools. One more reason I avoid public swimming pools.
I am tired from jet-lag from my return from the US.
I don't know why this young person is sleepy. Her lapel pin reads 'Važna Osoba,' meaning 'important person'.
Around the corner is where I took this photo of a new bud and its trees dead leaf. Not sure if spring is around the corner though.
This of course is a shot of the Space Needle (hand-held) here in Seattle around 10 p.m. There was a spectacular light show with fireworks, music, and special effects at midnight....but any decent shots from Queen Anne Hill were next to impossible to catch given the low-lying clouds that rolled in. Mind you, other local photographers with equipment much fancier than mine and good tripods were able to capture some of the show from various vantage points.
The Needle is pink because of T-Mobile, who sponsored the event and whose color is this Pepto-Bismol pink.
Another bus shot. This young woman had just read a text. It looks like she's trying to come up with a response.