This post is for
Marie at Vintage Postcards, who wanted me to show her what Serbian mailboxes looked like. The more I thought about, I realized I hadn't seen a mailbox on the street/wall for a long, long time, so I went hunting. These are two that I found, but they are right smack in front of post offices. This got me thinking of my experiences when I first came here 32 years ago when you could actually find mailboxes all over. However, most people I knew then preferred to take their letters directly to the post office, since they said the wall boxes weren't reliable, i.e. the mailman never picked up the contents or else did so very sporadically. I guess it must have been true, for the only ones I've seen now are right in front of post offices...but then why bother putting your mail in when you can be sure it gets picked up if you take it inside? Hmmm. Point to ponder.
Like my new banner? Thanks goes to Adam from Balkan File for resizing my photo!