Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Girl devours bird in bus!

Nothing like that title to get your attention. I snapped this photo on the sly the other day while returning from the doctor's in the bus. Nothing like a little white dove for a snack....okay, I confess. I have been fiddling with Photoshop again. If you look at the photo below, you will see that she's actually eating a "palačinka" or crêpe, wrapped in a napkin. (I showed you some yummy "palačinke" right here. ) In Photoshop, I just added a dot for the bird's eye, and then borrowed some yellow from her blouse and cloned to the napkin's "beak."

Check out the original photo below!


  Weather permitting, I take my dog for a looong walk along the Danube in New Belgrade toward Old Belgrade. In this photo you can see, from ...