Friday, January 23, 2009

The Tiniest Leaf

A head of cabbage is made from layers of leaves, which form a ball. Here you can see the tiniest leaf inside a head of cabbage that I made a salad out of. Serbs LOVE cabbage in all its forms, but usually use the white cabbages in salads and for sauerkraut and stuffed cabbage rolls, for example. In the winter, it's common to see a huge plastic barrel filled with heads of fermenting cabbage on people's porches. Red cabbage, much higher in antioxidants, is unimaginatively shredded or sliced for slaw. (Sometimes a head is thrown into the barrel to add color, and the sour cabbage juice is a sure cure, so they say, for a hangover.) I like to jazz up my slaw by adding some shredded carrots, walnuts, and dried cranberries, with a vinaigrette dressing.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?