Saturday, March 27, 2021

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--where's the ladies' room?

 Yesterday I told you that I'd driven with a friend (female) to the town of Pancevo.  All cafes and restaurants were closed, which we knew. We found a hotel that was open and managed to order two take-out coffees, which we drank in the sun in a nearby park.

But.....Nature called and we needed to find a ladies' room. No public ones anywhere, so we asked back in the hotel and of course they let us use it. In this photo I am waiting outside for my friend to return and amused myself by taking my photo in the ball on the post holding a cordon.

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


 Yes, indeed some Valentines DO have four paws.  Case in point. Here I am with Madhu, not long after I adopted her five years ago. HAPPY VAL...