Monday, May 27, 2024


 I love to go out for breakfast. Today I went with two friends to an old- school Serbian restaurant.  It serves classic dishes like moussaka, stews, a variety of soups like nettle soup, roast meats, and a score of other mouth-watering dishes. Few people go out for breakfast here or if they do, they look for a more western breakfast. Above you will see what I had:  yummy polenta made with a creamy cheese (not visible; melted!) and chunks of a kind of feta cheese.  Strong black coffee. One of my friends' feta cheese, two eggs, small salad, and Serbian sausages is just across the table.

100 YEARS AGO....

  This is well worth the read. It is the last page of a Bride's book, given to grandmother on her wedding day, September 10th, 1923. My ...