Monday, August 20, 2018

MONDAY MURALS --Father of Serbian Folklore

 VUK KARADZIC was a philologist, linguist, and more importantly, a reformer of the Serbian language. He established the 'one letter, one sound' rule, meaning that one letter could only be pronounced in one way.  If you see the letter A (either in Cyrillic or Latin representation, you know it is pronounced 'ah', and not '/ae/ or /ǝ/, for example.  For his study of Serbian songs, poetry, riddles, and tales, he is also known as the Father of Serbian Folklore. 

In the above mural, he looks like he's eyeing that bread basket... "Vuk" means "wolf", so perhaps he's as hungry as one. 

See other murals on MONDAY MURALS.


 No business now, so time for a newspaper  break. This fellow sells fresh fruit as it comes in's a bit early for strawberri...