Monday, November 3, 2008

Mutt Show!

Yesterday an International Dog Show was held at Belgrade's Fairgrounds. Classy pooches from all over Serbia and the surrounding area came to strutt their stuff and show off for the judges. But that's not the part of the show I went to see. Held at the same time in the same large arena was ORCA's (Organization for the Respect and Care of Animals) Mixed Breed Show, which has proven to be very popular over the years and gets better and better each time. There were categories for the shaggiest, the most dispobedient, the loudest barker, the most beautiful tail, the sweetest, and so on. I was asked to hand out the awards. Fortunately a panel of judges chose the winners; I'd have been hard-pressed to choose. Why me, you ask? Because I have written three children's books here (two editions of each; one English, one Serbian,) and two of them have to do with stray dogs. ORCA uses one of them in its education campaign in schools. But enough of tooting my horn. This is Tamara and her friend Andy. Tamara and Andy represent the Green Battle for Environment and Animal Rights. I have a weakness for dogs with a visible underbite.... Bibi thought he was cute, too. (Don't you just love the positioning of Andy's leaf?)


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?