Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ABC Wednesday "A" is for "art"

Add Image The other day on Chuck's blog in Seattle , I saw a photo of a young artist whose work appealed to me. I checked out Joni's blog and left a comment that some of her art reminded me of the self-taught or naive peasant artists here. Joni wrote back to say that a dealer had once told her that her art was naive, and she wasn't too happy, but now she is! Above is one of the paintings in our small collection, depicting, according to the artist, twin brothers who are helped by an angel to marry twin sisters. (And no, they're not conjoined twins, despite the knife....!) We bought this painting in 1974 when my Serbian wasn't so good, but I believe this is some kind of local legend. In any case, the painting is quite detailed, revealing the artist's other talent: embroidery.

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 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?