Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wall of tormented souls

This is a mystery post, for try as I might, I cannot find out what this wall represents. The faces are carved on the ends of wooden beams. No sign on it, and Googling all sorts of combinations yielded no results. I can only hope one of my readers, Knez, is reading this and can help! He seems good at finding things out, so if you're there, Knez, what is this? In any case, this wall/monument stands at one end of a park at the intersection of two main thoroughfares, not far from Tito's Tomb. Most likely it is to those who died in one of Yugoslavia's many wars, but which one exactly, I do not know.

That's Saint Sava's cathedral way in the background.


 Quite an impressive chandelier in a restaurant where I had lunch the other day. It wouldn't fit in my living room, but if I did, I kind...