Yes, indeed some Valentines DO have four paws. Case in point. Here I am with Madhu, not long after I adopted her five years ago.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL, including those with four paws.
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL, including those with four paws.
Digging back into my archives since I haven't been out shooting so very recently. The sign on the waffle stand on the left reads "Belgian Waffles" and the sign on the stand on the right reads "Real Waffles." I'll let you figure that out.
I wanted this time to buy some ribs, as above. I would not need that many (just me, folks), but the farmer outside our market who comes in from a nearby village only wanted to sell the ribs in no ribs for me. (Frown) I don't use meat or even smoked meat that much and would take forever to use it all. So I bought chicken legs and buried them.
We took turns cooking. I had always noticed that she had a wash basin in her sink where she put her dishes before she washed them. I had never seen anybody do this before, but I have since learned that many cultures do this, and I have adopted the habit. I stack my dishes during the day, run hot water and add dishwashing liquid (which of course my friend called 'washing up liquid', washed them, returned them to the basin, then rinsed them under the faucet and stacked them in a rack. Above is my set-up.
I was pleased to notice that the hot water stays hot longer since the plastic of the bin doesn't absorb the heat as a metal sink would, and I actually end up using less water.
So I didn't. My dog was inside the entrance in plain sight of me when I dashed in to buy something close to the exit. We kept a close watch on each other!
Here' the reason: Birds in general have specialized scales on their feet and legs that help minimize heat loss. Many ducks, geese, pelicans, gulls and swans further conserve body heat by standing on one leg or even sitting down.
Another photo of a facade in Zemun (ZAY-moon), a close municipality of Belgrade, known for its cafes, late-night bars ,and fish restaurants along its riverside (Danube) promenade. Zemun once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and its arhitecture reflects the then-popular SECESSIONIST ART STYLE.
This is a phone (and not an iPhone) shot. Last April I was walking with my granddaughter and spotted these sheets. They called to me saying, "Take out photo!" so I did. I have recently had the photo enlarged and framed. Better yet, a local photo professor of mine a number of years back goes to the same framer. When I picked up the photo a few days ago, the framer told me that Prof X had come in with some of his photos to frame, and he admired my photo. Whee!
It's my birthday today and his compliment made my day, albeit a a few days early!
Sonny is hard-working and honest. Tuk-tuks are my favorite way to get around and if I had my way, I'd ship one back. I did learn however that they are not sold to anyone who is not a tuk-tuk driver, so I guess I may have to move and pass a driving test. Tuk-tuks have either a two-stroke or four-stroke engine, which is Greek to me. I just learned this through the Internet.
See other MOTORS on THEME DAY.
It may not be so close to spring yet by the calendar, but our changing climate says differently.
These two seem oblivious to nature today. I hope ony today.
Ever grateful to this kind but unknown samaritan.
P.S. Actually there are two local shops that import French cheese.
I decided to do some abstracts, and this is one of them, created by my own dog, Madhu. It's what's left over from her rawhide chewie.
Now there are just two left and they will be gone soon, as they really are delicious!
See other skies on SKYWATCH.
Confucius, 551 to 479 BC, is considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Here is his state in front of the Chinese Cultural Center in New Belgrade. His teachings emphasized personal and governmental morality, harmonious social relationships, righteousness, kindness, sincerity, and a ruler's responsibility to lead by virtue.
Most of our world leaders would do well to heed to his teachings, especially the one now elected president along with his crones in my birth country.
Here is a triptych of some frosty photos done free online. Couldn't figure out how to crop the last one decently. Oh, well.
Dare I say "Happy New Year"?
Yes, indeed some Valentines DO have four paws. Case in point. Here I am with Madhu, not long after I adopted her five years ago. HAPPY VAL...