Thursday, July 24, 2008

Radovan goes souvenir hunting

Radovan needs to find a couple of small gifts for (small) friends in his village, so first he checked out the icons for sale here. The seller was checking out Radovan.
These are Greek worry beads that men carry and swing like car keys. Radovan thinks it may be a good way to stop smoking, since it keeps your hands busy. Serbia is third in Europe for the number of smokers, so he bought quite a few for friends back home.

These antiques were a bit pricey for Radovan's budget, but he really wanted to buy the Venus... (Note: Oops! Thank you to Dan of McKinneydailyphoto for pointing out to me that in Athens the lovely goddess is known as Aphrodite, not Venus!)


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?