Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy Easter again!

Happy Serbian Orthodox Easter! I only color eggs for one Easter and this is it. Last night my son and I painted some "family eggs," one for each member of our family or boyfriend/girlfriend, and one for a friend who is coming to dinner. See if you can find me. (Hint: I have a hairline crack on my chin, or rather my egg does!) The blue egg in the front with a leaf pattern is made by putting a leaf on the egg, wrapping it tightly in cheesecloth, and dropping it in the dye. The brownish one with tiny leaf patterns is made in the same way, and boiled with a lot of onion skins to obtain the pretty color. Serbs polish their eggs with a bit of cooking oil to make them shine, and have a fun custom of tapping eggs. If you're interested, drop me a note on the comments and I'll tell you what they do.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?