Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ABC Wednesday "O" is for "Oh, wow, was I lucky!"

This hummingbird moth zooming in for a taste of a black-eyed Susan looks more like a country shot than one taken a busy street in Belgrade. I saw this little bugger (pun intended) hovering around the flowers and took about 10 shots. Only this one turned out just right, with the moth centering itself unintentionally (or maybe it felt sorry for me) on the oval of a satellite dish. And I didn't crop this one either!

Join ABC Wednesday at: http://wednesdayabc.blogspot.com/

All wrapped up and nowhere to go

Don't these look like something you'd see on a Paris catwalk? They're only mannequins with material wrapped around them to look like skirts and tops, but I think they're really imaginative. I came across them in a dingy underground passage that connects two sides of one of Belgrade's main streets. Whoever created them should consider a career in fashion and literally move up, I think.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?