Wednesday, October 30, 2013

On the road to Agra

On the way from Jaipur to Agra.  Indian roads are not for the faint of heart.  Vehicles swerve crazily to avoid each other, there seem to be no rules of the road, and it's who's the most daring who wins. On the other hand, if you can sit back and relax, you'll enjoy the scenery and especially the modes of transport.  And when something's got four wheels (or even two, for that matter), and you've got to move merchandise, there's no limit to what you can pack on!
Our driver stopped for gas and instantly we were surrounded by trinket sellers. I bought two of these necklaces....not at all expensive.

I thought these tomatoes were strung along the back of this truck to bring good luck. Not's just to show that the truck is carrying....tomatoes.

Daily Haiku

Hurry, quickly, rush
Madly down roads of our lives
And to arrive where?

Hurry, quickly, rush
Madly down roads of our lives
And to arrive where?


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?